Teacup Pigs make great pets

Have Fun and Delight in Keeping Teacup Pigs

Miniature pigs are smaller pigs that were initially bred for medical research. And, in the 1980s these adorable animals were introduced as pets. And, as time passed, they have continued to become more and more popular throughout the world. So if you are planning to buy a new pet for your home, these cute creatures are a great option for you.read more information about Acquiring a micro mini pig as a pet at

What are the benefits of owning one?

They are very small

As their name suggests, teacup pigs are extremely small (about five times smaller) compared to ordinary pigs. Most of the time, they only reach up to about 14 to 16 inches (smaller than most types of dogs and average household cats) even when they are fully grown. This means that you will find it quite easy to carry them around and even walk them on a leash. This also means that they will only take up a small amount of space in your home, which is great if you are planning to create a pen for them.

They are extremely clean

As opposed to what some people believe, miniature pigs are not dirty animals. In fact, they are cleaner than most household pets. For instance, teacup pigs do not get fleas unlike dogs and cats. And, because they don’t have fur, you won’t have to worry about getting your furniture messy. On top of that, they do not aggravate allergies as much as dogs and cats. Furthermore, it can be quite easy to litter train them.

They can live a very long life

Of course, if you are getting a pet, you would want one that has a long lifespan. When it comes to this aspect, micro pigs are well above dogs and cats. As long as you know how to take care of their health, they can easily live up to 15 to 20 years. This means that you will have a great relationship with your beloved pet for a very, very long time.

Teacup pigs make great pets

They have great personalities

Teacup pigs are not only cute, they also have loving personalities. Also, they are very loyal and affectionate. Aside from that, they are quite intelligent animals. In fact, they are very trainable just like dogs. And, because they don’t bark and they don’t have many behavioral problems, they are perfect companions.

So, have you decided that teacup pigs are perfect for you? If so, you need to learn about the best ways to choose the right mini pig before buying one. With this in mind, here are some tips to get you started.

Before buying one, be sure to “pig-proof” your home.

Since miniature pigs are very intelligent and curious, you have to prepare your home for your pet’s arrival. You need to make sure that electric wires and toxic chemicals are out of reach.

Find a reputable breeder.

Of course, just like when you are buying any other type of pet, you have to make sure that you are getting your teacup pig from a reliable breeder. You have to make sure that the parents of your future pet are indeed micro pigs.
Make sure that the pet you are buying is sold at the right price.

Whenever you are buying something, it can be a bit tempting to go for the cheapest option. Of course, when you are purchasing a pet pig, you have to take note that cheaper is not always better. If you are not careful, you might end up buying an ordinary pot-bellied pig.

Teacup pigs are indeed great pets. As long as you choose the right one for you, you will surely have a loving companion for a very long time. But you have to keep in mind that like any other pet, your little pig will need time and affection from you. So, make sure to give your new teacup pig the love and care that it deserves.

Micro teacup pig information

Teacup Pigs

Teacup pigs are super fun! They are one of the best pets I have ever had. One thing to realize when raising a teacup pig is that they will need lots of attention. They love to cuddle and love to have their snouts rubbed.
Teacup Pigs are litter box trained at just a few days old. They are extremely clean animals. They are also very smart! They love to play and have fun. They especially love to have food! After all they are little piggies.
There is some negative information online saying that teacup pigs are not real or that they are just starved pot belly pics. The truth is they are real. They can now be seen on major television shows and are all over Youtube!
They are easy to feed. My favorite is when they are two weeks old and you can bottle feed them. They love that milk and sprawl out for it in enjoyment! It’s only fair to share…

Health Benefits of Having Miniature Pigs as Your Pet

Having a pet in your household can make a big difference. Why? Because they do not complicate things unlike humans do. Domesticated animals do not argue nor create a conflict between relationships. They are a perfect companion because they do not cease to amuse people whether we feel angry, sad, or happy. They will always be there to support, give joy, and have fun.

Moreover, caring for pets can change the whole atmosphere and mood in your household. They can provide quality to your life and help you realize and appreciate the beauty of life despite stress from work and other anxieties. This is because your pets want you to live in a different dimension, away from life’s struggles whenever you get to play with your beloved pets.

In the same way, they can provide therapeutic benefits that can make you happier and healthier. Some of which are the following examples that most owners are unaware of the effects:

  • People with pets are less likely to suffer from depression and they have a lower level of blood pressure especially during stressful situations. People with heart conditions may survive longer as pets like miniature pigs lessen the likelihood of heart attack incidents.
  • Pets, like teacup pigs, can increase the levels of happy hormones that can help people feel relaxed and blissful.
  • Mini pigs, or any other pet for that matter, can reduce pulse rate and muscle tension from nerve-racking situations.

There are actually many more advantages when having a miniature pig in your house, such as increasing exercise, providing companionship, adding structure to your day, boost vitality, and many more.

So, if you are planning to own miniature pigs as an additional member of your family, what should you expect from them? Some people would not dream of having an animal in their household that has the reputation of being dirty. However, many are captivated by their personality, intelligence, and adorable appearance.

Do not let your prejudice overrule your vision of good things. These cute little squealers have desirable qualities too. In contrast with other people’s belief, these teacup pigs are very intelligent, funny, highly trainable, affectionate, docile, and odor free. Of course, it requires human intervention to help these animals bring out their desirable qualities.

Health Benefits of Having Miniature Pigs as Your Pet

They can easily be trained with proper upbringing. They can be house trained, toilet trained, leash trained, and many other few tricks. In order for trainings to be successful, you should not punish them. Instead, you guide them and give rewards every time they accomplish commands.

If there are times that your pet suddenly becomes destructive, you must have overlooked something about their personality. Like humans, these animals are very sensitive and are the main reason why you should not use punishment in the learning process.

However, whenever you see them getting aggressive – especially when begging for food and dig with their snouts, these are instinctual and very natural for their kind. In some cases, matured mini pigs can open the refrigerator, pantry, and wherever food may be lurking.

Although these animals are cute and charming, you should always consider that they are territorial and dominating despite their size. Thus, you need to teach them respect by teaching them that you are on top and that they have boundaries. However, you should always use positive reinforcement to be effective.

Mini pigs, though small, have big hearts and very loving animals. Once they get accustomed to the environment and the people around them, they will prove themselves worthy of your care. So, whenever you feel sad or gloomy, you know where to go to get rid of those negative feelings. Although these little pets are small, but they can make big difference in your life by helping you focus on one thing that people usually miss: being happy. It’s only fair to share…

How to Make Sure It Gets Along with Your Cat and Dog

Back to the time before animals were tamed, put in the zoo, and kept inside the cage, they were on their own in the wild. They find food on their own, they hunt, they kill.

Back in the wild, they are either the hunter or the prey. And even now when most of them are tamed and domesticated, their innate nature can show, making it a challenge for pet owners to maintain peace and harmony among their pets. This is especially true when there is a hunter and a prey in the pack.

Ensuring the animals’ safety against each other is a hard work… but it is not impossible. So if your collection of pets ranges from the fiercest hunting dogs to the most docile of teacup pigs, read on and learn how to make sure that your piglet is safe and is doing well in terms of dealing with your other pets.

Teacup Pigs and Cats

Pigs tend to get along well with cats. The latter think pig’s bellies make good, cozy pillows. The former on the other hand could care less about the felines. So overall, you do not have to worry much about the relationship between the two.

A problem could arise, however, when your mini pig is still at its first few weeks and your cat is something of a bully or wild. To avoid anyone from getting hurt, keep your little piggy away from the feline’s claws.

Have a fence between them for a while. You can use children’s gate for this purpose. Only remove the fence when the two start to feel comfortable and at ease around each other.

Teacup Pigs and Dogs

Pigs and dogs can be best friends. They can get along too well. However, for your piggy’s sake you should NEVER left them alone together unless you are sure that your dog is completely comfortable around your teacup pig’s presence.


Remember that canines are predators by nature and pigs are preys. If something upsets dogs or causes them to feel anxious or nervous, their first instinct is to attack. And normally, it’s the pigs that are more likely to start some sort of trouble because of their curious nature. When this happens, you can be sure that the dog will finish it. So keep them apart always. This is especially true when it comes to feeding time. As much as possible, don’t feed them close to each other or else, prepare for a bloody fight.

How do you make them friends?

  • Introduce your teacup pig to your dog as a valued member of the family.
  • When the canine demonstrates aggression, reprimand it or show disapproval. This will give the dog a hint that such a behavior is not to be tolerated.
  • Don’t leave them together alone; keep them apart when you are not around.

During their first introduction, your dog may show signs of excitement, curiosity, playfulness, and fun. But don’t be too confident that he will become your mini pig’s best friend soon because “having fun” for canines often includes biting. So keep them afar until your dog has grown accustomed to sight, sound, and smell of your teacup pig—but still, don’t be too confident to leave them alone together.

Final Thought

Cats and dogs may suppress their hunting instinct when they accept specific prey animals, but you should not be too lax in ensuring your teacup pig’s security around them. This is especially true if your pets didn’t meet at a very young age. It’s only fair to share…

Are Teacup pigs real?

There has been lots of talk whether or not teacup pigs are indeed real. There are several horror stories out there about backyard breeders taking advantage of pet owners by selling them full grown pigs instead of micro teacup pigs.

So does this mean teacup pigs are made up and just a myth? Does this mean teacup pigs are just a scam?

The answer is no. Teacup pigs are real. They are very real indeed. That being said full grown they do not fit inside of a teacup. As adults they can be anywhere between 15-50lbs. This does not mean that they are huge. In fact compared to potbelly pigs that can be 100-200 LBS teacup pigs are significantly smaller.

So now that we know that teacup pigs are real how do you find a requital breeder?

This can be hard. Cause in most cases finding a true teacup breeder in your state is not very likely.


If you find a breeder that is claiming to have a teacup piglets under $1,500 you are most likely looking at a scam or a piglet that will end up quite large.

Ask if you can see the adults. If a breeder is not willing to let you see the adults you should be very concerned. That is definitely a red flag!!!

One other indicator is if a breeder has spotted pigs also known as Juliana pigs. These piglets usually stay small and can be an indicator that Breeder truly has Micro sized piglets.

One thing to do as well is ask for references. See if the breeder has testimonials of happy clients that have adopted the piglets. Chances are if the breeder has a bunch of customers they are selling what they say they are.

One thing to be wary of is guarantees!!! There is no way a breeder can know exactly how big a mini pig will get. You must follow a strict diet with your teacup piglet to insure that it won’t get too big. When a breeder offers a size guarantee usually there is a bunch of small print. Make sure you read that small print. Again, we advise to be very wary about Guarantees!!! It just acts like a false sense of security.

Always ask for pictures of the parents. The breeder should have their adult breeders listed on the websites. If a breeder is not willing to show you the adults be cautious.

Always make sure that the teacup pig breeder is willing accepts either Paypal or Credit cards. This will offer you a form of protection. Never send cash or wire funds if at all possible.

Mini pigs can be delivered through the air. Airlines have went out of their way to make sure transferring pets is convenient and safe. Little piggies can get stressed out easily but being shipped through the air they will be held in a climate controlled and noise controlled place.

I hope this article has helped in your search for a teacup pig! Don’t trust all the hate websites. Teacup pigs do really exist. They make great lovable pets. They are very clean and can be trained to do tricks like dogs. Each of them have their own personalities. I recommend you get one they are unique and you will fall in It’s only fair to share…

Acquiring a micro mini pig as a pet

There is a lot to consider when possibly acquiring a micro mini pig as a pet. But with research in the right places and working with a good breeder, you can make the proper, informed decision. Make sure to do some research before approaching the breeder to get an idea of what to expect.

It is a good idea to visit your micro mini pig breeder in person. This will allow you to meet your potential new piggy ahead of time, allowing you better choose which one you would like to take home. This will also allow you the opportunity to meet the new piglet’s parents and sometimes even their grandparents. You can also ask the breeder questions live in person.

You should also check into the breeder themselves before making a purchase or leaving any deposit money. A good breeder will put the health of the animal ahead of making a profit. Many bad breeders will underfeed and encourage you to underfeed the pig in order to make it appear smaller due to malnutrition. This is not the right way to have a mini pig. Instead, you should check to make sure that the micro mini pig breeder is breeding actual healthy, mini pigs. This is where visiting the breeder in person will come into play and reveal if anything is amiss. Finding out ahead of time will save you money, headaches, heartaches and also will help discourage future breeders from taking this fraudulent path.

A good breeder will also help you find the proper mini pig food along with providing you detailed instructions on how much to feed them through the pig’s different life stages. They can also tell you which fruits and vegetables are safe to feed to the mini pigs.

Like their bigger size breeds, micro mini pigs love food! They will spend a lot of time looking for it in any place that they can. So, it is important to piggy proof your home. Many of the same methods that are used for baby proofing your home will also work for pig proofing. They will open up cabinets and anything else they think that they will find food in. If you have cleaning agents around, your new little mini pig may try to eat it, thinking its food without knowing how dangerous those chemicals really are.

Micro mini pigs can live comfortably indoors. But despite this, it is recommended to let them play outdoors for at least four to five hours a day. If you live in a single family home, this can mean the back yard or front yard. For condos and apartments, you can find a pet friendly park where you can take your pig.

You can even get your micro mini pig used to a leash and harness so that it can go with you on walks. If you decide to use a leash and harness on your teacup pig, be sure to start as young as possible to get them used to how the harness feels. After a while, they will be comfortable with it and then can go anywhere with you.

It will be very important for you to form a bond with your micro mini pig as early as possible. Bottle feeding is quite effective for a first step in this process. The bond will be quite important as they are social animals, much like how bonding is important for us human beings and other creatures like dogs.

Teacup pigs like a lot of soft fabrics such as fleece. You will find yourself at awe watching your mini pig snuggle in their blankets or be amused as you watch them root around in their blankets with their noses.

You may be surprised to find out that, unlike cats and dogs, micro mini pigs don’t really collect fleas or even lice. While cats and dogs have a lot of fur to provide warmth for fleas, pig hair is spread thinly. The cooler temperature is very unfavorable to the fleas and lice so they will not stick around for very long, if they land on the mini pig at all.

The typical weight range of a micro mini pig is ten to forty pounds with their height usually not exceeding seventeen inches at the shoulder. Their life spans have the same range as a small breed dog with the range at fifteen to twenty years.

It is also highly recommended that you acquire some books that are centralized on micro mini pigs. You can likely find some good ones in a book store or perhaps even online. You can check with your local breeder on what mini pig books they recommend for you to read.

Also, be sure to check with your local authorities on any laws regarding your potential new piggy before you make your purchase. Micro mini pigs are considered swine and in many cases, a farm animal. As such, they are subject to local ordinances regarding swine and farm animals. These can include a range of things, including but not limited to housing, transportation, licensing, leash laws, vaccinations, waste disposal and limit on figures.